Treating Non Communicable Dieases At Dumpong Eastern Region

$9,845 of $17,000 raised

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Donation Total: $100.00


• AMC Care Foundation is committed to reducing the complications of Non- Communicable Diseases (NCDS), namely Diabetes and Hypertension, by improving diagnosis and providing innovative patient support as well as disease management services.

This project specifically focuses on the population of Dumpong, a deprived community in the Eastern Region who have been receiving some support from our partners Ark Medical Centre as part of their CSR endeavors. These episodes of engagement highlighted the need for a more structured and ongoing project of engagement.

According to the CVD FACTSHEET published by The World Health Organisation (WHO)

  • At least three-quarters of the world’s deaths from CVDs occur in low- and middle-income countries like Ghana.
  • People in low- and middle-income countries often do not have the benefit of integrated primary health care programmes for early detection and treatment of people with risk factors compared to people in high-income countries.
  • People in low- and middle-income countries who suffer from CVDs and other noncommunicable diseases have less access to effective and equitable healthcare services which respond to their needs. As a result, many people in low- and middle-income countries are detected late in the course of the disease and die younger from CVDs and other noncommunicable diseases, often in their most productive years.
  • The poorest people in low- and middle-income countries are affected most. At the household level, sufficient evidence is emerging to prove that CVDs and other noncommunicable diseases contribute to poverty due to catastrophic health spending and high out-of-pocket expenditure.

The pilot engagement by Ark Medical Centre and the community leaders 2020-2022.

• These episodes of screening at Dumpong mapped the gaps, disease incidence, and service requirements for the area and have proved the need for such a project.


Patient education, community-based services, structured monitoring, and active prevention are the benchmarks for an impactful engagement to reduce the effect of these diseases.
This project will

o Set up structured education sessions for the prevention and management of Hypertension and Diabetes.

o Undertake population screening to facilitate the enrolment of community members in the support and treatment pathways.

o Manage identified and enrolled patients with an agreed pathway, which will include regular monitoring for treatment outcomes (Hba1c, lipids, ecg).

o Device and introduce innovative ways to keep patients engaged and to improve concordance.


  • Engage community leaders first, and explain that this is a long-term project and will benefit their people. The leaders to engage this should include chiefs, assembly members, leaders of churches, mosques, school administrators, and all community-based group leaders.
  • Assess the existing infrastructure and healthcare service provision within the community. Engage existing clinics, hospitals, CHP compounds to map the services and understand schemes and support already in place to avoid duplication of effort.
  • Recruit and enroll stakeholders who will be trained to support the treatment monitoring aspects of the project and who will continue to provide surveillance centers for continuing engagement. Namely chemical shop operators, market queens and leaders, transport union leaders, farmers, and their co-operatives.
  • Engage chemical shops and provide training and help them prepare and anticipate which medication will be in demand. Set up partnerships with them with strict guidelines and guidelines to maintain the integrity of the project.TARGET

o Map, approach, and engage the entire population. Map area and endeavor to access the whole community using high population centers like churches.

o Population – 12 years and above should all be screened because of juvenile-onset diabetes

o Have a helpline number that people can call to ask questions.
o Means testing capabilities for purchasing medicines. Encourage

people to support others where possible

Engagement Period: Education: Screening & Enrolment :

24th March – 15th April

16th April – 16th May


2 days between Mid-May to the End of June, 23 as agreed from the engagement

: As defined in the protocol document


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